“Empowering others through collaborative inquiry

is at the heart



I do.”

Ezgi Tiryaki, MD

Coaching Declaration

I am a coach who co-creates and holds learning spaces that generate new possibilities for leaders so they can have the impact they really want in the world and live life to the fullest. 

I challenge and support leaders to uncover their limiting beliefs and unleash their potential to generate sustainable transformation and equitable growth in themselves and their teams.

Drawing from my expertise in neuroscience, medicine and education, I empower clients to emerge as whole and authentic leaders with greater capacity, agency, resiliency and purpose.

What People Are Saying

Commitment to creativity and lifelong learning.

Learning and creativity are two of my top five personal values and give me joy. I love to branch out as the best ideas can originate from connecting dots across disciplines including the arts and humanities.

I regularly attend discussion groups, workshops and professional development conferences. I enjoy learning from every medium I can get my hands on (books, podcasts, newsletters, social media) looking for trends, ideas and new insights. I work on challenging my assumptions and uncovering blind spots and gaps in my thinking.

I explore by myself and with peers in a community of practice. I considered many different options before completing the Leadership Coaching Program at Georgetown University’s Institute for Transformational Leadership. Being part of Cohort 67 was indeed transformational and this Professional Certified Coach level training gave me a very strong foundation for my coaching.

Just like medical school is only the beginning of the learning journey for a physician, I am committed to continuously developing my coaching skills so I can be the best version of myself in service to my coaching clients.

Certifications & Credentials

Certified KPI Practitioner to increase the capacity of individuals and teams to lead from a Both/And perspective.

Certificate of Art & Practice of Leadership Development Program, John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, Executive Education.